Category Archives: Uncategorized

Meet Izy–developing art for a new Flashcard

Every once in a while we get to work with an artist who is creating an illustration of a new character. This is a collaborative process involving the artist, the author, Thinking Ink, and a graphic designer. It’s fun and exciting to see a character come to life in this way.

Here’s a sneak peak at the initial sketch by Ivreese Tong for the character Izy from The Hereafter Bytes by Vincent Scott. This sketch will become a full color illustration to go with a flash fiction story from Vincent that we’ll be publishing on a postcard. That’s our Flashcard format—flash fiction paired with art on a postcard that you can send in the mail.

This project started out as a stretch reward for our Kickstarter backers, but it’s turning out so well, that after the backers get their rewards, we’re going to keep stocking postcards and they’ll be available for purchase.


New Sci Fi Novel, Shattered Sky by David Colby

Thinking Ink Press is happy to announce that the science fiction novel Shattered Sky by David Colby is now available. The second book in the Lunar Cycle trilogy, Shattered Sky is the sequel to Debris Dreams.

In Debris Dreams, lunar separatists attack the space elevator above the Earth, forcing offworlder Drusilla Zhao into wartime military service.

In Shattered Sky, Dru is honored as a hero and joins her girlfriend Sara on Earth. As Dru begins her new life, she struggles to adapt to a different culture while suffering from PTSD. When Sara’s home is threatened, and the military demand that Dru return to service, she must fight to defend the Alliance while battling enemies inside her own head.

Author David Colby combines hard science details with page-turning action and a diverse cast of characters for a unique science fiction experience that you won’t soon forget.

Haven’t read Debris Dreams yet? Buy it at your retailer of choice.

Our New Charity Steampunk Anthology Some Time Later Is Now Available

We’re happy to announce that our latest charity steampunk anthology Some Time Later: Fantastic Voyages Through Alternate Worlds is available for preorder at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online booksellers. The release date is June 1, 2017. Some Time Later will also be available for sale at the steampunk anthology Clockwork Alchemy on Memorial Day weekend.

If you enjoyed the popular audio story “Three Men and a Vampire” by Harry Turtledove performed by Sage and Savant and you want more, pick up a copy of Some Time Later and you’ll find a companion story “Three Men and a Werewolf.” You’ll also discover pairs of Jeremiah Willstone stories by Anthony Francis, Drake & McTrowell stories, Miranda Gray stories, and more.

If you’re coming to Clockwork Alchemy, stop by Author’s Alley and you can meet many of the authors who participated in this anthology. All the books in the Later series will be on hand, as well as other Thinking Ink titles, and we’ll also have con ribbons and other extras!


Some Time Later is the third volume in our set of charity steampunk anthologies that benefit local libraries such as the San Jose Public Library:

For Clockwork Alchemy this weekend, Thinking Ink Press is organizing a charity donation drive for the San Jose Public Library, and we have donors who will match that donation up to the first $1000.

Stay tuned for the outcome of this drive, but if you want to dive right in to the stories, you can read them now by coming by Clockwork Alchemy and picking up, or looking where fine books are sold!

“The Case of the Large Box of Books”: A Drake & McTrowell Mystery

That’s right, folks, the steampunk charity anthology Twelve Hours Later is soon returning to bookstore shelves! If you want it first, drop by the  Drake and McTrowell booth at the Wild Wild West Steampunk Convention! Check out this wonderful skit in which they investigate the arrival of a mysterious box of books filled with myth, mystery, intrigue, and dirigibles!

Our first Flashcard: White Mice

Story lab door with sign that says "Warning: Narrative Hazard"

Thinking Ink Press is happy to announce that we just published our first Flashcard—White Mice by author and artist Keiko O’Leary. Flashcards are postcards with a complete flash fiction story and original art. They can be addressed and mailed for the cost of a postcard stamp.

Keiko O’Leary, our instant book designer, wrote the story, created the original artwork (above), and designed the postcard.

To get White Mice Flashcards, look for Keiko at San Jose’s Flash Fiction Forum on Wednesday, August 12, 2015.

To sign up for news about Flashcards, click here.