Twelve Hours Later: 24 Tales of Myth and Mystery

Edited by AJ Sikes, BJ Sikes, Dover Whitecliff
With stories by AJ Sikes, Anthony Francis, BJ Sikes, David L. Drake & Katherine L. Morse, Dover Whitecliff, Elizabeth Watasin, Janice Thompson, Kirsten Weiss, Lillian Csernica, Sharon E. Cathcart, Steve DeWinter, T.E. MacArthur, Vicki Rorke
Series: Treehouse Writers Anthologies

Myth! Intrigue! Dirigibles! Literacy!
Support public libraries and explore a world of steampunk fiction! Twelve Hours Later is the brainchild of the Treehouse Writers, fifteen talented authors, artists, and poets, who came together at the Clockwork Alchemy Steampunk Convention to create this must-read steampunk anthology, with 50 percent of the proceeds donated to public libraries. Each author has contributed two stories, set 12 hours apart, and each story occupies a single hour of time. Together they fill a 24-hour day that is a whirlwind of steam, legends, spycraft, and the occasional forest demon dropping in for good measure.

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Stories in Twelve Hours Later

“In the Midnight Hour” and “Demon in the Noonday Sun” by Lillian Csernica.
“Lord of Death, Part I” and “Lord of Death, Part II” by Steve DeWinter.
“Nous Sommes Deux Heures” and “Nous Sommes Quatorze Heures” by Sharon E. Cathcart.
“The Hour of the Wolf” and “The Time of Ghosts” by Anthony Francis.
“The Dueling Field” and ” Afternoon Tea and a Little Murder” by T.E. MacArthur.
“Gods” and “Monsters” by Vicki Rorke.
“Hunter” and “Hunted” by Dover Whitecliff.
“Coyote” and ” Sensibility and the Stranger” by Kirsten Weiss.
“The Forest Demon” and “The Demon Forest” by AJ Sikes and BJ Sikes.
“The Pollychrome Wishing Jar” and ” A Coincidental Theft” by David Drake and Katherine Morse.
“Ten O’Clock” by Elizabeth Watasin.
“Victorian Poetry Hour” by Janice Thompson.
“Seeker” and “Finder” by Dover Whitecliff.

Available in paperback where all books are sold, and as an ebook from all major booksellers.

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AJ Sikes, BJ Sikes, Dover Whitecliff


ebook, paperback


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Print Length

249 pages

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