Thinking Ink Press is excited to announce The Neurodiversiverse: Alien Encounters, a science fiction anthology to be released August 2024.
The Neurodiversiverse is a book for anyone who loves science fiction, who cares about neurodiversity, or who wants to see optimistic visions of the future. It’s an #OwnVoices extravaganza with neurodivergent editors, authors, and artists.
The Neurodiversiverse: Alien Encounters is a hopeful, empowering sci-fi collection of short stories, poetry, and art. This anthology offers many different answers to the question: Would neurodiversity be an advantage in an encounter with aliens?
Featuring short stories by:
Edited by Anthony Francis and Liza Olmsted.
With stories, poetry, and art by 44 creators about:
- Autism
- Synesthesia
- Anxiety of various flavors
- Avoidant attachment disorder
- Dissociative disorder
- And more.